
How to Maintain Your Concrete Driveway During Cold Winter Months

Concrete Services in San Diego | Agundez Concrete

Winter is around the corner and although concrete is a very durable material, it still requires some protection against the winter weather.

Although winter in Southern California is not as cold as in other parts of the country, on some days we do get near to or below freezing temperatures, and those are the days we need to protect our concrete from to avoid discoloration, surface scaling, and any other form of deterioration.

At Agundez Concrete, we care about the life of your concrete applications, that’s why we’ve come up with a set of tips you can use to give proper maintenance to your concrete surfaces during the winter months.

1. Stay away from deicers with ammonium nitrate or sulfate

Deicer products are sold with the promise of protecting your concrete surfaces, however, if you start using them regularly, by the end of winter your concrete will be damaged if not disintegrated. It’s better to stay away from them.

2. Use sand instead

One of the safest materials you will find on the market to protect your concrete driveways or concrete patios from cold weather is sand. Sand makes the concrete skid resistant and can be found in many locations for a fair price. Another option, although hard to believe, is cat litter. It is a little bit more expensive but in an emergency, it’s a safe option.

3. Avoid using salt

Salt is another material used to prevent concrete from freezing, however, in the not-so-long run, it also damages concrete, especially colored concrete, and more if it is used during the first three months after installation.

Many of the products available on the market to prevent your concrete from freezing will work only for that purpose but leave you with damaged concrete after a couple of years of use and it will force you to eventually replace the concrete, an expense that you could’ve definitely avoid.

If you want to learn more about concrete maintenance or if you’re ready to install your new concrete driveway, patio, or any other concrete addition, give us a call and tell us about your project!